Thursday, September 28, 2006

So the re-launch of Rock It has been successful thus far, the first two in Sept. were good but didn't really blow up. Which left me a little disappointed, but they did provide a good segue to the one that just happened. Almost 100 people showed up this time and it seemed to be a really successful night, the dance floor stayed full and people looked like they were having fun.

While I love the fact that the Grad has all of its gear in a booth it is a bit of a pain because of the disconnect that it creates between me and my audience. Occasionally I lose the audience because I can't really read what they are feeling. But other than that I am pretty damn happy with the Grad's contribution to the night thus far, I just hope that they continue to support it. Because if they do I think that word of mouth will spread this year more than it did last year and that means more and more people.

I finished angel a few days ago, the ending was really good, but felt anti-climatic compared to the end of buffy. I have already started watching Rome, and have plans to watch/re-watch Deadwood, Carnivale and Weeds.

Little Miss Sunshine was one of the funniest movies I have seen in theaters in quite a while. I haven't seen Half Nelson yet, so I hope it hasn't left the Varsity.

Other than that I am facing a pretty busy next couple of weeks as I really try to lock in a solid crowd for Rock It, hopefully if that happens some of the promotion work will be done for me and I can concentrate more on the night itself.


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