Friday, February 23, 2007

i am sitting here tonight watching netflix with kristen and i actually have no desire to leave the house tonight. last night was not a bad time, but it was very run-of-the-mill and being mellow tonight just sounds good to me.

pan's labyrinth was fantastic and visually amazing.

rock it is on sunday and we will see, if the turnout is anything like the last few i am going to be very disappointed. people have been coming out to other dance nights/parties recently so it really becomes kinda personal when they decide to skip mine. i know that i play a dance set that's as good or better than most DJs in davis, so it is hard for me to see how the music would be a problem. so let's cross our fingers and hope that turnout is awesome.

i finished my article for the legend and submitted it because i thought my deadline was today, but it turns out that i had until next friday. it was pretty easy to write, mainly becuase it is short, only around 400 words, but also because i feel like i got really good responses from POS. i initially had an interview that was around 1200 words, but then found out it was going to be short and had to cut a lot out. i like having too much material and having to to be picky, i think the four or five questions that i chose were the best and elicited the best answer from POS. but you can judge for yourself because i am going to post the rest of it on the legend blog over the next few days.


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