Thursday, June 15, 2006

alright, so i just heard the new beyonce single, and nelly f might have a little competition for pop single of the summer and this is with "crazy" basically already off my radar.

summer totally makes up for the music-drought that is dec. through feb.

also, as soon as i can figure exactly how to host mp3s i am going to start posting some of my favorite tracks. most of them i am sure you will be able to find elsewhere, but i will try to keep it fresh and up to date.


At 2:45 AM, Blogger brian said...

Hey, this is Brian from Bows + Arrows. You asked what I'll be doing in Davis - working this summer, followed by my last year of school (let's hope). What is it you do? Maybe I'll see you around.

At 8:18 PM, Blogger The Sensualist said...

get me a job at the music store!
time to cash in alla the times I got you a job at my works!!!


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