no matter how much i want to, i never seem to be able to update this blog more than infrequently.
I really expected that Axel F was going to jump off at some point. It really seemed like a solid combo of a weekly night + a DJ who plays slightly more accessible music (Mr. Glass) would result in a solid turnout from week to week. Instead we have been lucky to get more than 20, which means that it is likely that this coming tuesday will be the last Axel F. I have gotten really bummed out by this night's failure as well as getting frustrated with Davis' totally apathetic nature. It seems like Davis' one requirement for entertainment is that it must be free. I can't tell you how many people have bitched at me about the fact that Rock It has a cover charge, these are the same people who toss change in the hat when it goes around for a touring band. However, these people are perfectly willing to go to a bar and buy 5 dollar drinks all night. It makes no sense to me.
Rock It will happen this sunday for the first time in over a month (which is totally shitty) and it is going to be interesting to see how the first Rock It of summer goes over. I really hope that people who for whatever reason have not come out to Axel F make the effort to come out for Rock It. These next couple of Rock It's are going to be instrumental in the decision for next year, the Grad wants to go weekly and is probably leaning towards Tuesday nights, but if these nights do well in the summer they might give me friday which would be pretty sweet, and a lot more work. I have kinda decided that I really don't care if I compete with Lipstick on a weekly basis, the people who would be torn between the two can go back and forth, my biggest concern is drawing 18+ kids from outside of davis. If I can do that I think my night will be a success.